Nvidia GTC — Cyber Security

Dan Jarvis
3 min readNov 29, 2021

This article contains some of my notes on cyber security related talks and announcements from the free online Nvidia AI conference 2021.

Prevent Advanced Cyberattacks in Enterprise Environments

OPSWAT are a company that offer anti-malware scanning, data loss protection, and other security products.

Data is growing exponentially, and malware is growing linearly.

Malware scanning is a requirement of numerous information security standards (I thought this was a cool slide).

They integrate with lots of other commercial anti-malware products, claiming that they offer different kinds of protection. One example was that some of them focus on different geographical regions, so are faster/better at detecting threats from those regions.

They showed a specific example where one threat is still not being found by all scanners, even 5 years after it was first discovered.

They have a Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) service to attempt to neutralize potentially dangerous features in incoming files.

To protect against exfiltration of data, they have various DLP features.

The Future of Identity in a Post COVID World

The CEO of HyperVerge (Kedar Kulkarni) talks about their company journey, and some trends in the space.

I liked the way that they evidenced their technology, in particular, the mention of the NIST Face Recognition Vendor Test leaderboard, where they rank 4th in 1:N investigation and 9th in identification.

I’ll let the slides speak for themselves.

They demoed their identity verification product, which was a combination of government document verification, along with a selfie and face matching step.

They showed various examples of fraudsters dressing differently to pass identity verification check for various accounts.

The advances in machine learning over the last few years have apparently made huge differences to the quality of their face recognition. They can now train on millions of images in a few days, using 8 nodes, each with 8 Nvidia A100 GPUs.

Security Hardware — BlueField-3

Nvidia BlueField-3 is specialized hardware to speed up high bandwidth security applications like firewalls. Apparently they are working with big names like F5, Juniper, VMWare (more listed below) to use this hardware in their firewalls.

